Saturday, March 22nd @ 8 AM : Men's Breakfast
Breakfast and fellowship.
Saturday, April 19th : Teen Egg Stuffing Party
Pizza and fun while stuffing the eggs for the egg hunt.
Sunday, April 20th : Easter Egg Hunt
Children's egg hunt after services. Meet out at the pavilion after services.
Sunday, July 13th through Wednesday, July 16th : VBS
Faith Under Construction is the theme for VBS 2025. Join us for classes for all ages, singing, food, fun, and worship together! Each night will start in the auditorium at 6 PM and children will be picked up from their classrooms at 8 PM.
Sunday, October 26th : Trunk or Treat
Dress up and join us for fun and fellowship. We will start at 5 PM and end at 7 PM.
Saturday, December 6th : Breakfast with Santa
Join us for photo opportunities, breakfast, and fellowship. We will start at 8 AM and end at 10 AM.
Reoccurring Event - First Sunday of Each Month : Potluck Meal
Fellowship and food after services. Sunday night worship is not held on potluck Sundays.
Reoccurring Even - Second Sunday of Each Month : Elders / Deacons Meeting
Meeting to discuss the Church business.
Reoccurring Event - Fifth Sunday Contributions : Building Fund Contribution
This contribution goes into the building fund.
Sunday Classes 9:30 AM
Sunday AM Worship 10:30 AM
Sunday PM Worship 5:00 PM
Wednesday Fellowship Meal 6:00 PM
Wednesday Classes 6:30 PM
(501) 556-4214
Emory Majors
Josh Nix
Michael Lincoln
Phil Thompson
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